Morphological operations in image processing

Tiya Vaj
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Morphological operations in image processing are a set of mathematical operations that manipulate and analyze the structure and shape of objects within images. These operations are primarily used for tasks like image enhancement, noise reduction, image segmentation, and feature extraction. Morphological operations work by applying a structured element or kernel to the pixels of an image to create a modified version of the image.

Here are some common morphological operations and their meanings:

1. Erosion: Erosion is a morphological operation that shrinks the boundaries of foreground objects (white regions) in a binary image. It works by moving the kernel over the image and setting the center pixel to 0 (black) if all the pixels under the kernel are 1 (white). Erosion can be used for removing small noise or separating objects that are close together.

2. Dilation: Dilation is the opposite of erosion. It expands the boundaries of foreground objects by setting the center pixel to 1 (white) if at least one pixel under the kernel is 1. Dilation can be useful for filling gaps in objects or connecting nearby components.

3. Opening: Opening is a combination of erosion followed by dilation. It is often used to remove noise and small objects from an image. Opening can help preserve the overall shape and size of larger objects while removing unwanted details.

4. Closing: Closing is the opposite of opening, involving dilation followed by erosion. It is useful for closing small holes or gaps within objects. Closing can help restore the original shape of objects.

5. Morphological Gradient: The morphological gradient is the difference between dilation and erosion of an image. It highlights the boundaries of objects in the image, making it useful for edge detection.

6. Top Hat: The top-hat operation is the difference between the original image and its opening. It accentuates the bright regions or details that are smaller than the structuring element, making it useful for local feature extraction.

7. Black Hat: The black-hat operation is the difference between the closing of the image and the original image. It emphasizes dark regions or details that are smaller than the structuring element, which can be helpful for detecting dark objects on a lighter background.

These morphological operations are particularly valuable for preprocessing and enhancing images before performing more complex tasks, such as object detection, image segmentation, or feature extraction. They can help improve the quality of images, remove unwanted noise, and emphasize the important structural elements within the image, making it easier to extract meaningful information for various applications in image analysis and computer vision.



Tiya Vaj

Ph.D. Research Scholar in NLP and my passionate towards data-driven for social good.Let's connect here